The Chinese “window of opportunity” in Serbia

The Chinese “window of opportunity” in Serbia

CHINA MONITOR Date: 18 April 2020 Author: Paweł Paszak The Chinese “window of opportunity” in Serbia Since Aleksandar Vučić became President in 2017, bilateral contacts with the PRC have clearly intensified, resulting in a number of joint projects and infrastructure...
Warsaw Institute’ expert in the

Warsaw Institute’ expert in the

MEDIA Date: 12 March 2020 Warsaw Institute’ expert in the On March 12, 2020, the Warsaw Institute expert – Jakub Lachert appeared in the ‘’ TV program, where he, together with other invited guests commented on the current situation in the...
Western Balkans and Geopolitics

Western Balkans and Geopolitics

OPINIONS Date: 8 July 2019 Author: Jakub Lachert Western Balkans and Geopolitics In 2019, Poland holds the presidency over the Berlin Summit, culminated by the Western Balkans Summit in Poznań. Launched at the Berlin summit in 2014, the initiative gathers some of EU...