Date: 31 August 2020

A record demonstration in Minsk, Lukashenko will go to Moscow


On Sunday, August 30, after a few days, when it seemed that the social resistance was beginning to fade, up to 200,000 people took to the streets of Minsk. This is a new record in terms of the number of protests in the history of independent Belarus – more than a week before. In addition, demonstrations took place in other cities. The one in Minsk lasted for about four hours. The presidential palace, which was reached by the participants of the protest, was surrounded by the police and military forces. Then the protesters started to disperse. Only at the beginning of the demonstration there were arrests and attempts to intervene by OMON. The Ministry of Interior informed about the detention of 125 people during the first two hours of the action. Sunday’s demonstration was very important because it showed Lukashenko, Moscow and the world that the opponents of the regime still have huge mobilization abilities, despite the recent, steadily increasing repressions. On the same day, Lukashenko’s 66th birthday, Putin called him. The presidents agreed that their meeting in Moscow would be held soon. The Kremlin’s press service said that the orientation towards expanding cooperation between the two countries, including strengthening allied ties, was confirmed. It is possible that during Lukashenko’s visit new agreements, which will deepen Belarus’ dependence on Russia, will be concluded. That will be the price Lukashenko has to pay for Moscow’s current support.

All texts published by the Warsaw Institute Foundation may be disseminated on the condition that their origin is credited. Images may not be used without permission.

TAGS: migration crisis, NATO, Belarus, Russia


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