Date: 9 December 2021
Cross-border cooperation in CEE. Similarities and differences of the migration crises in Poland and Hungary
On December 8, 2021, the conference “Cross-border cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. Similarities and differences of migration crises in Poland and Hungary ”organized by the Warsaw Institute, Mathias Corvinus Collegium, Institute of Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Wacław Felczak and the Migration Research Institute. The event took place in a hybrid formula.
The conference “Cross-border cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. Similarities and differences of migration crises in Poland and Hungary” began with speeches by Paweł Pawłowski, Chairman of the Council of the Warsaw Institute Foundation, on Polish-Hungarian historical intimacy and future challenges, and the Hungarian ambassador to the Republic of Poland – Orsolya Zsuzsanny Kovacs, who confirmed her Polish-Hungarian sympathies with her speech.
The rest of the conference consisted of expert panels focused on various topics linking Hungary and Poland. The full thematic schedule is available below, and the recording is available in our social media.
– Paweł Pawłowski, Chairman of the Council of the Warsaw Institute Foundation
1. Prologue
– Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács
– Maciej Szymanowski
– a letter from Deputy Minister Szymon Szynkowski vel. Knot
2. One crisis, two countries
Comparing 2015 to 2021, what made the migration crises so special and what were the biggest challenges?
– Klaudia Tóth (MRI)
– Tomasz Grzywaczewski (WI)
3. Who copes best with migration crises?
Can the EU deal with such crises or is it the role of the Member States?
– Rodrigo Ballester (MCC)
– Mariusz Patey (WI)
4. How to counteract fake news regarding migration?
How can multiple sclerosis combat fake news that portrays it in a negative way? How can we send useful information on the situation of European borders to MENA?
– Mate Vigóczki (MCK)
– Kateryna Savranska (WI)
Maciej Szymanowski
Director of the Wacław Felczak Institute
A letter from Szymon Szynkowski vel. Knot
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Orsolya Zsuzsanna Kovács
Hungarian Ambassador
Klaudia Tóth
Research worker at the Migration Research Institute
Tomasz Grzywaczewski
Polish journalist, writer and traveler
Rodrigo Ballester
Head of the Center for European Studies at MCC
Mariusz Patey
Warsaw Institute expert, journalists
Kateryna Savranska
Russian disinformation expert, Warsaw Institute, Jagiellonian University
Mate Vigóczki
Head of the Geopolitics Center at MCC
Botond Czagany
Visiting Fellow, Warsaw Institute
Liliana Laughter
Analysis Director, Warsaw Institute
Robert Gönczi
Research assistant, Migration Research Institute
Thanks to everyone for participating!
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