Michael Werbowski


Press Inquiries


EU, NATO, international relations, security


French, German, Spanish, Russian


Michael Werbowski is a Vienna-based reporter, heritage activist and political campaign organizer who specializes in international geopolitical issues. He graduated from the University of Leeds, U.K., and wrote his MA dissertation in post-communist studies on the topic of E.U. enlargement to the nations of “new” central Europe. He did his BA studies at the faculty of Political Science and Law (University of Nantes, France) and later spent a year as an “etudiant libre” attending classes at the Institut d’ Etudes Politiques de Paris. In 1992, he took summer courses in American foreign policy and advanced journalism at Harvard University. In 1993, he ran for parliament in the Canadian federal elections. He is a Salzburg Global Seminar fellow from 1996 and was awarded a Wolfson college Cambridge media fellowship in 2004. From 1994 until 2000 he resided in Prague as a reporter for the local press. From 2000 until 2003 he worked in Mexico city as a correspondent for the Czech daily Lidove Noviny while collaborating with the Mexican media.

In 2005, he lectured in Prague’s Anglo American college on corporate ethics and media coverage. As a reporter he covered and commented on issues related to E.U. and NATO enlargement for the prominent Czech daily Lidove Noviny and the Prague Post. He has written news and commentary for newspapers such the Mexican daily Excelsior and Tiempos del Mundo in Mexico City. For his environmental coverage of the Chalillo dam controversy in Belize he was awarded an honorable mention for best reporting in 2003 by the Mexican journalists’ club.

Mr. Werbowski’s articles have been translated from English into Spanish and French in magazines, newspapers and websites world wide. Most recently he was business editor at the English daily The News in Mexico city. He is currently working on and researching a book on former U.S. foreign policy adviser to President Jimmy Carter (1977-81) Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski. He has worked with several NGOs and international organizations over the years (most recently assistant to an E.U.-member state OSCE delegation in Vienna).

What is Italy’s interest and involvement in the Three Seas region?

What is Italy’s interest and involvement in the Three Seas region?

The Three Seas Initiative focuses its activities on the Central and Eastern European region, however the projects proposed may include the participation of not only the 13 members of the Initiative. Often other European countries are involved and can benefit from activities promoted by the Three Seas Initiative.

Belarus Uses Fugitive Polish Judge to Sow Disinformation

Belarus Uses Fugitive Polish Judge to Sow Disinformation

The Belarusian propaganda machine has been exploiting Tomasz Szmydt, a high-ranking judge from a Warsaw administrative court, to produce and disseminate propaganda content. Through both media statements and social media posts, he propagates various Russian disinformation narratives––to enhance the image of Belarus and Russia while disparaging Poland and Western countries.

How can Hungary benefit from the Three Seas Initiative?

How can Hungary benefit from the Three Seas Initiative?

Hungary has been a member of the Three Seas Initiative since 2015. The country’s position and role in the Three Seas Initiative is significant in several respects. The question may arise as to how the country actually views the Initiative.

The Working Group on conservatism in Europe

The Working Group on conservatism in Europe

The Working Group on Conservatism in Europe is a partnership of institutes, which have been working together since 2022 to identify and define European conservative ideas and traditions, as a starting point for a wider conversation that could draw out common principles.

The Lebanese Economy and the Aftermath of October 7

The Lebanese Economy and the Aftermath of October 7

,,The Lebanese Economy and the Aftermath of October 7” report by Dawid Milczek is available for you!
The multidimensional poverty rate has nearly doubled from 42% in 2019, to 82% in 2021, leaving people in Lebanon grappling with the realities of food insecurity, unemployement and deteriorating living conditions…

What does it take to join the Three Seas Initiative?

What does it take to join the Three Seas Initiative?

In the last year or less, the Three Seas Initiative has seen its biggest expansion since its inception: Greece has become a full member, Moldova and Ukraine have become associate partners, Japan joined as a strategic partner and Montenegro expressed its intent to associate with the Initiative. In these circumstances, one might ask, how is it possible to join?

How have 3SI member states reacted to recent developments with the War in Ukraine?

How have 3SI member states reacted to recent developments with the War in Ukraine?

Currently, in an isolated and localized manner the war in Ukraine has developed tactical advantages for Russia, however, Ukraine still retains strategic coherence and cohesion. Therefore, how have 3SI (Three Seas Initiative) member states, which predominantly lay on the border with Ukraine or Russia, if not in the immediate vicinity, reacted to these developments?

Discovering the benefits: How the Three Seas Initiative empowers the Baltic States

Discovering the benefits: How the Three Seas Initiative empowers the Baltic States

What is the impact of the Three Seas Initiative on the Baltic countries? These countries are already members of the European Union and the NATO, thus they play an important role in the politics and development of the Eastern European region, not only due to their presence on the Baltic Sea, but also because of their territorial proximity to Russia .

Across the narrow Three Seas? The future of Moldova accession

Across the narrow Three Seas? The future of Moldova accession

Moldova has become an associate partner of the Three Seas Initiative at the Bucharest Summit on 6-7 September 2023. With this enlargement, it has taken another step towards European integration. However, the question arises as to what the chances are of joining Three Seas Initiative as a member.
