Date: 20 December 2022 Author: Grzegorz Kuczyński

Russia’s State Duma Passes New Shocking Bill on Sabotage

Putin’s regime has continued its crackdown on citizens by introducing tighter laws on sabotage. Russia’s State Duma, which is the lower house of the Russian parliament, has submitted a pile of bills on the country’s war with Ukraine. On the one hand, Russia is tightening penalties for sabotage while seeking to waive criminal liability for crimes committed in Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine until late September on the other.

SOURCE: Пленарное заседание. «Правительственный час» (14.12.2022) (

The State Duma on December 14 passed in the first reading a bill against sabotage. The draft legislation makes disruptive and terrorist activities classified in Russia as “sabotage” punishable by up to between eight and twenty years or life in prison. The current law has entailed up to 15 years in prison. The act now includes the definition of “sabotage propaganda,” It should be understood as “the activity of disseminating materials and/or information designed to induce a person to engage in subversive activities.” The harsh bill has been unanimously supported by Russian State Duma members. The bill was submitted to the Russian parliament by 380 out of 450 deputies. The legislation is so vague that law enforcement officers can interpret it as broadly as they wish. Since the outbreak of the war, Russian lawmakers have passed a raft of tight acts, including those on what they referred to as “foreign agents.” The proposed legislation would remove criminal liability for crimes on the occupied territories of Ukraine if they were committed to “defend the interests” of Russia. The bill refers to crimes committed on the territories of the self-proclaimed “LNR” and “DNR,” and in the occupied parts of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions, before September 30 — the date the Kremlin formally annexed the Ukrainian territories. The draft law does not specify what, exactly, the “interests of the Russian Federation” means. The law also stipulates that the Russian state takes no responsibility for any damage caused to residents of the four regions mentioned before September 30.

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TAGS: migration crisis, NATO, Belarus, Russia


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