Date: 30 September 2020

Military chiefs of staff of the V4 discussed cyber operations, training and epidemic


The chiefs of staff of the Visegrad Group countries met yesterday in Pruszków, Poland to discuss joint training, cyber space operations and military cooperation in a pandemic situation.
Polish chief of staff General Rajmund Andrzejczak pointed out that the V4 countries have expanded their military cooperation in cyber space because restrictions imposed by the epidemic had made many traditional military undertakings impossible.
The talks concerned plans to raise the military potential of NATO and the EU. Also discussed was joint military training, especially in cross-border tactics and mobility. The talks also covered the role of V4 countries in the NATO Response Force and Readiness Initiative. Polish side reported on progress in the ongoing construction of a National Cyber Space Security Centre in Poland.
The talks are to continue today in the seat of the Polish General Military Staff.

TAGS: migration crisis, NATO, Belarus, Russia


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