Russia Is Tempting Duterte

Russia Is Tempting Duterte

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 25 April 2017 Russia Is Tempting Duterte On April 20, the flagship of Russian Pacific Fleet, a guided missile cruiser named Varyag, arrived in the capital of Philippines Manila, accompanied by a tanker Pechenga. © EPA/MARK R. CRISTINO PAP/EPA This...
The Position of Kadyrov Is Getting Weaker

The Position of Kadyrov Is Getting Weaker

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 25 April 2017 The Position of Kadyrov Is Getting Weaker There are signals indicating that Ramzan Kadyrov is experiencing problems. The leader of Chechnya has for a long time been in serious conflict with federal siloviki and he has many enemies in...
Doomed for Iran

Doomed for Iran

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 24 April 2017 Doomed for Iran The military involvement of the US in Syria after the chemical attack and the visibly growing Russian-US conflict strengthen the Teheran-Damascus-Moscow axis. In the current situation, the greatest beneficiaries are...
Electoral Intrigue

Electoral Intrigue

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 24 April 2017 Electoral Intrigue Presidential elections in Russia have been scheduled for March 2018. Vladimir Putin hasn’t declared yet whether he will participate. Thus it’s not surprising that each mention of the topic by Putin elicits a strong...
Bear’s Air Provocations

Bear’s Air Provocations

RUSSIA MONITOR Date: 22 April 2017 Bear’s Air Provocations Four times in recent days after nearly two years of silence. Russian army aircraft, including strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons, appeared in immediate proximity of US and Canada borders. ©...